Thursday, July 9, 2015

Homeschooling - Taking the plunge

In a few short weeks I will begin a journey that will possibly last many years, and will definitely bring many laughs, much joy, many tears, some pain and much frustration.  In August, shortly after my eldest daughter turns five I will begin homeschooling.  We are very excited to start and are gearing up for it.  I hope to use this blog to keep track of all the things we do for our memories and so their Daddy can see what we are doing on a regular basis and what the girls are learning.

After prayer and much research I have decided on the curriculum that we will use this year.  I figure after each year we will reassess our curriculum choices and make changes as are needed based on the kids.  This year we will be doing My Father's World kindergarten and supplementing with Math U See Primer as well as a few resources I have found online.  These include letter lapbook for each week from and sight words worksheets and daily learning notebook from  I am giving myself the freedom to take some of these extras away if it seems too much or to add more if it is too easy. 

My main focus will be on our oldest daughter who will be just starting an official homeschool schedule with kindergarten.  However, my three-year-old will no doubt want to participate to some degree.  For her I will be doing the Preschool Daily Learning Notebook from and will have other games available.  I will also include her in the MFW program as much as she wants and is capable of handling.  I plan to have her do this curriculum officially either next year or wait until she is five.

With the research and reading I have done I have come to the conclusion that the focus of "school" in these first few years (up to age 7) should really be fun discovery and establishing a joy and love for reading and learning.  Therefore, I do not plan to push phonics and reading any faster than my children want to go.  I do not plan to teach by drills and pure memorization.  I hope instead to get the kids excited about what being able to read means - entertainment, knowledge, etc.  I expect we will spend lots of time exploring and discovering God's creation in our back yard and in the nature reserves in our area.  I want kindergarten and early grades to be a foundation for loving the time we have to learn together.  Not a time where they get all too familiar with the typical school atmosphere and dread learning each day - which unfortunately happens the majority of time in public and private schools.  

So the journey begins in just a few short weeks.  Pray for our family and all the other homeschooling families, school students, teachers, and parents as a new school year starts.  May God's blessings abound no matter where the children are learning. 

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