Tuesday, July 7, 2015

An Over-Dose of Mommy Blogs

So the last thing this world needs is another "Mommy Blog."  You know, the kind of blog you see plastered all over Pinterest - full of perfect looking pictures of perfect looking houses and kids and crafts.  Littered with a gazillion types of recipes, do-it-yourself projects, decorating ideas, etc., etc., etc.  All of which leaves the reader wondering how in the world they have time to accomplish all that, stay sane, and breathe. 

Well, this is definitely not my attempt to add to the madness.  I don't care if anyone even reads these posts.  My whole goal and plan is to simply have a place to record the things that my family does - the daily grind and the fun, extras from time to time.  I want a place that I can quickly write the funny things my girls say or do, keep a memory of the time I have at home with them, keep a record what we do during their days homeschooling, and just try harder not to forget the little things that make up our moments each day.  I'm sure it will also from time to time be a place to hash out my frustrations and think through ideas or challenges.

Cheers to whatever this blog becomes.

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